(a) man (rightly) criticizes woman in car for parking in handicapped spot.

(b) other man (wrongly) comes from behind and shoves him to the ground.

Correct behavior?

(c) do not park in handicapped.

(d) do not shove people to the ground for criticizing your behavior.


(e) some of us have higher agency (self control, and insulation from impulse)

(f) some of us have lower agency (self control and insulation from impulse)

Anyone who is not ignorant of the the daily video releases on blacks beating whites for amusement and hatred will have a normal reaction to these consequences.

Our different interpretations tell us nothing other than whether we have agency or lack it.

This is why liberals (feminine) are incompatible with conservatives (masculine) – because our perception of the world, and our judgement of behavior differs meaningfully given our genetic differneces.