(I’m desperately trying to say this within FB guidelines)

The Right? Cowardly, Conflict-Avoiding, Permission-Seeking, Authority-Needing, Right-Wingers. They’re Perfect Christians. Great peasants. Great soldiers. And hyper-moral. The world’s best lower, working, and middle class and secret to western success: the west has the only high trust, meritocratic, commons-producing, laboring, working, and middle class in the world.

But they’re the worst possible revolutionaries. Totally incapable of self-defense. Totally incapable without having daddy’s hand hold them. Because they’re so independent they are unable to organize without daddy.
What’s most ironic is their absurd identity predicated on self-defense by a population that cannot distinguish between the need for individual self-defense and collective self-defense of their individual interests.

Everyone in every faction, whether universalist christian, civic nationalist, constitutionalist, eurocentic nationalist, or national socialist acts like the ball is theirs and everyone ought to play on their terms or they’ll go home. Well? Everyone DOES go home. Worse, no one even shows up except for the cognitively and emotionally challenged. So the game isn’t played, and the left wins by default.

The right is a constituency of children. White Privilege (advantage) is an inheritance produced by their ancestors – not them. And they squander it like rich kids squander theirs. Because solving the great problems of our age, which can only be solved with the escalation of the conflict to the point of causing political settlement, is someone else’s responsibility. And the left is doing it on their terms and achieving their ends.

Except there aren’t other ‘someones’.

Despicable really.