(important piece)(pinned) I do my work in public, like a medieval street merchant. You get to see the product being made. Including its successes and failures. It’s been an interesting experience for me and those who follow me.
But for new-comers, my work is radical. Trying to follow or understand it is non-trivial. I place a great deal of burden on the audience for knowledge of physical science, economics, law, and philosophy. On my website is a ‘short list’ of books that I try to keep current that should allow someone with a university education in an empirical discipline to gain a basic scientific knowledge necessary to understand propertarianism. But even reading those works will take time.
So I’ll try to give you an outline and a starting place:
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Propertarianism is a reformation of truth, epistemology, ethics, politics and aesthetics – and as broad an effort as that any other thinker’s in enlightenment history: Kant’s(rationalism), Marx’s(pseudoscience), and equalled only in recent scope by Heidegger (pseudorationalism) – all of whom were on the opposite end of the spectrum and at best ‘anti-scientific’. Instead, Propertarianism is a continuation of the Locke/Smith/Hume revolution, and a refutation of the Kant/Marx/Heidegger counter-revolution’s introspective revolt using experiential meaning against comparatively autistic science (truth).
And, even if you possess the underlying knowledge, my program is RADICAL, and that means novel, and somewhat hard to learn:
1 – Testimonial truth and Testimonialism (epistemology) are themselves a profound innovation that unifies science, philosophy, morality and law into truth-telling or ‘testimony’ which is the only existentially possible truth available for man to write and speak. Under testimonialism, we warranty we have performed the necessary due diligence to claim we testify truthfully. This due diligence is an extension of the scientific method to include ethics constructed as a rigorous logic: a scientific ethics.
See An Introduction To Testimonial Truth.
2 – Propertarian Ethics (ethics and morality) is an objective amoral language for expression and comparison of ethics that states that only productive, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary transfer, free of externalities of the same criteria are rationally tolerable if we are to preserve the incentive to cooperate, and not to retaliate, and thereby preserve the disproportionate rewards of cooperation. As such the preservation of cooperation is the basis for ethics. And all ethical propositions are decidable.
See An Introduction to Propertarian Ethics.
3 – Propertarian Liberalism (politics) is a radical reformation of classical liberalism that articulates how and why the classical liberal model failed: failing to create new houses for newly enfranchised classes with competing reproductive interests, and the conflation of law with contract – thereby creating a voluntary market for the production of commons between classes with disparate interests and abilities.
Propertarianism invalidates democratic assent, replacing it with legal criticism, meaning that any political contract that is not illegal may pass, and other groups may prohibit it only if it fails the legal prohibition on involuntary transfer – thus eliminating monopoly rule under democracy, and converting the legislative branch to a market for the production of commons.
4 – Propertarian Strict Construction (law) is a reformation of law that completes the now-failed american constitutional program by requiring strict construction equal to that of mathematical proofs, thereby eliminating legal activism, parasitism, and providing universal decidability to matters of law, reducing the court’s function to determination of truth telling, and responsibility for causal relations.
5 – Propertarian Informational Commons (law) is an extension of the prohibition on “Abusus” (pollution or abuse) with which we protect the commons of the air, water, land, infrastructure, parks and monuments from damage, privatization, and consumption. Under universal standing in matters of the commons, activists can use the courts to protect not only air, land, sea, wildlife, but the truthfulness of information.
Propertarianism provides the missing logic of cooperation that has caused the artificial separation between science, philosophy, and law for 2500 years. This has stumped great minds for over two millennia. I am just a lucky man, standing on the shoulders of giants, peering into history, and by accident at the right point in time; and I see the errors of the past only because I am keenly aware of the failure of the 20th century philosophers, the success of operational thinking we call 20th century computer science, and the recent innovations in genetic, biological, cognitive, behavioral sciences since Pinker fired the first volley.
If this problem stumped so many greater minds than mine, it is no wonder that it’s hard for some of you to grasp the scope of the revolution in intellectual history. I understand it.
There will always be passionate activists and those heavily invested in dogma that will hold desperately to their priors and criticize innovations that they do not understand. This is natural human conservatism regardless of which point of the political and moral compass they originate from. And it is very hard to ask passionate people who are heavily invested in comforting justificationary priors to spend a great deal of effort in learning a radical program that requires substantial effort and knowledge to understand and apply. Those people may possess the ability, not possess the ability, have the time and effort, or not have the time and effort, be willing to invest, or not willing to invest.
So the only means of demonstrating to them that they should or must invest in learning such a thing, is for those who choose to make that investment for whatever reason, by their arguments and by their numbers, provide evidence that they should do so.
That is where you come in.
Propertarianism is the antidote to Marxism, Pseudoscience, Postmodernism and Deceit. It is the correction and completion of the classical liberal project, which is itself an expansion of the anglo saxon franchise, and in turn an expansion of the european and indo-european project: the heroic society. Where the greatest heroism is the costly burden of truth telling and personal sovereignty.
If there is any end of history, it is not marxist socialism, or democratic secular humanism, but the truthful society made possible by the reformation of classical liberalism to facilitate cooperation between heterogeneous peoples while prohibiting every possible means of parasitism, and demanding productive efforts in order to survive. By prohibiting all parasitism we leave only productive voluntary exchange as a means of survival.
So it may indeed be work to follow me on this journey. But buy doing so you are participating in the greatest revolution since Marxism, and together we are constructing the only means I have found for the restoration and perpetuation of western civilization: the people who speak the truth, and the vast benefits that we westerners bring to mankind by having spoken the truth; despite the terrible difficulty in learning how to speak truthfully, and the enormous cost of truthful speech that each of us pays every day, as the most important tax, so that with truth telling that we have used in both the ancient and modern eras, to drag humanity kicking and screaming against its will, out of illness and disease, malthusian poverty, constant conflict, universal ignorance and crippling mysticism.
Liberty in our lifetimes.
Welcome to the revolution.
Curt Doolittle
The Philosophy of Aristocracy
The Propertarian Institute
Kiev, Ukraine