Jan 28, 2020, 2:56 PM
I need to find a dozen women on this same page who will write a post a day to other women answering questions with the same freaking answer every time. It’s not complicated.
(Alice Knight etc)
I tell men the same simple thing every time:
a) Tell the truth when you have a conflict, the truth always wins.
b) Learn to half listen and approve without judging. This is how she neutralizes feelings. It is care taking like she takes care of you. F–king reciprocate care taking.
c) Say you can, cant, or will, wont, but do not disapprove of a woman’s wants. Instead walk through how to make them happen.
d) Make a fucking decision when asked and once made don’t change it. Do what you say you will. Do not agree to what you will not do – ever. And show zero tolerance for nagging. Nagging is for children. Pillow talk is for mates.
e) Stay fit. Stay Groomed. Join a team of any kind. Deliver the bacon (provide)
f) Defend her always and everywhere no matter what.
g) Make her look good to her friends.
h) Make sure she knows you’re thinking of her every day.
i) crazy chick behavior is always insecurity and fear. If you cannot fix it then leave. you can fix it if you don’t reward it. But you can’t fall for it or the tears. You must be the man. that means that we have drawers in our brains so we don’t have to deal with the chaos in a woman’s mind. Use it like she uses to to remind you to put your fking belt on. Reciprocate.
j) Be a man for Chrissake. If you want a mother I hope she boots your lazy man-boy ass and you lose everything because you fkin deserve it.
k) Stay in your tribe. Very rarely do cross tribe marriages work well. With white men and azn women being rare exceptions.