Feb 28, 2020, 6:01 PM
–“Christians. Really, just take the reigns and rule already. I really don’t care how you do it if you’re trying. But you don’t seem to want to. So stop begging others to do it for you in the manner more to your liking without contributing to rule.”— Ospin88
This is my underlying complaint about christians. I don’t believe them. All I see are women whining so that men will protect them.
There was a reason it took the viking invasion and viking warriors to conduct the crusades. There was a reason the french couldn’t resist them.
Christianity has only been strong when it wailing women handkerchief that inspires and licenses aryanism (heroic, expansionist, entrepreneurial, militarism).
I am not the only person to say that christianity is a means of keeping the peasants pliable and working so that the aristocracy can afford expensive weaponry. Or that the only time christian banners fly is to legitimize aryanism.
I mean, what separates a christian monarchy from a kingdom? The license of the church to use violence.
If christianity s strong then christian men would be the first in line rather than constitutionalists and pagans, while docile christians show up and wave flags when the hard work is done.
Give me a pope who defense europen civilization not the faith. Christianity is a third world religion.