Mar 18, 2020, 12:34 PM

Bill: “We don’t try to beat the other leader. We try to find an opportunity to add value. We don’t negatively signal each other (other than to test an idea). There are people you won’t ‘jive with’ because of their state of development or goal, but stick with those who you get the most from. I found my role as a teacher, and especially for dads and families. That’s who I resonate most with. I didn’t plan it. Its what I bring to the table that adds value to everyone else.”

Bill: “We have this assumption that burke and locke and others invent something new, but they were just recalling (as did aristotle) what was already embedded in the culture. These traditions were part of our traditional germanic and celtic law, and independent of greece (greeks tried them at scale). So the anglo enlightenment was trying to capture what they were afraid of what was being lost – just like socrates, plato, and aristotle.”

Bill: “How do we write this down and preserve it so that it can rise again. Because the planet won’t have an opportunity to recreate the european tradition of sovereignty, reciprocity, and rule of law. So it’s up to us to preserve as much as we can so it can rise again. And that, to me, is a spiritual endeavour.”