—“USA independence: 1783 AD, Han dynasty: 206 BC–220 AD. can you do the math?”—??????? @goldfieldcuckoo

I can. And I can ask you, if china is surrounded by mountains, desert and ocean, and if china is so far away from Mesopotamia, Persia, and Islam, how did you manage to fail with so much time in so much safety?

We began in 1500bc near ukraine and settled in poland, and spread in all directions from there. We had a dark age in 1200 bc to 800bc that destroyed the entire civilized world.

Between 700bc and 300ad, in just four hundred years, the greeks invented politics, geometry, reason, science, the Antikythera, and the steam engine. Were it not for accidents we could have had the industrial revolution within two centuries.

Next, we suffered the Jewish-Christian and Islamic Dark Age – and you didn’t.

But again, we saved ourselves, and in just 600 years, explored and connected the world by trade, invented the calculus and all advanced mathematics, the logics, all the physical sciences, the social sciences, all technology, all medicine, and took man into space, and raised you out of ignorance, poverty, starvation and disease.

You started in 2500bc. We started in 1500bc. So you had a THOUSAND YEARS in prehistory.

We didn’t catch up until 800ad. We were viable from 800bc-100ad and were invaded.

We had a dark age from 400ad-1400ad. You another THOUSAND YEARS in the middle ages.

Why did you fail? (I know)

You failed because Chinese people are ‘petty’, like women. You do face-before-truth, like women. Your pride is easily offended like women. You delay and deceive because you fear conflict like women. You feel the need for power instead of reciprocity – like women. You don’t trust – like women. You cheat – like women. You lie like women.

Why? It’s genetic. You have low T. You hyper-evolved submissiveness and over-extended Neoteny. You are a nation of status conscious petty women, who must have consensus because you lack the honor and truth to negotiate compromise. This is why your plans to rule the world will fail.

No one else has the knowledge or courage to say the truth to you. It is bad manners for my people to tell you this truth. The difference between races is the degree of neoteny and the sex-direction of it. Africans low neoteny high masculine. Chinese high neoteny, high feminine. Europeans are in the middle. Jews are medium neoteny high feminine very eugenic. Muslims are medium neoteny, feminine, very dysgenic.

This is why you fail.

You desire harmony.

Harmony is the instinct of women.

You are weak because you need consensus.

You are slow because you need consensus and authority.

We don’t care any longer.

We learned our lesson this time

Mankind is unfit for peerage.

We need only ‘build a wall’ to keep out the barbarians.

So there is no race to win with you.

The only race is to godhood.

And we have a very great advantage.

Because we speak the truth.

Because we have courage to do so.

Because we are men.