Jan 23, 2020, 4:40 PM
by Scott De Warren
Christianity attempts to disable Western man’s mind from appropriate responses to distinctions between male/female morality, aristocrat/slave morality, European/Semitic morality by saying “it doesn’t matter as we are all one in Christ (against Rome which symbolizes European civilization) “.
This denialism of obvious truths is an inversion of the traditional aristocratic truth based honor morality and aesthetic of European civilization (heroism, martial valor, fame and glory, strength, beauty, truth, demonstrated familial excellence over time creating aristocracy and nobility).
Christianity is designed to make humans into submissive herd animals (sheep) as it’s symbolism makes explicit.
Christianity’s hatred of the brilliance of classical European civilization expresses an outsider’s envious critique of an excellence it can never achieve and so wishes to tear down so that its glory doesn’t make the alien’s people look so backward and pathetic in contrast. This envy of and desire to destroy Europeans is at the root of all three monotheist desert cults.