Dec 11, 2019, 12:13 PM

Every Man A Sheriff

Truth before face

Duty before Self

Excellence before Adequacy

Production before Consumption

Home before Reproduction

Heroism, Paternalism, Sky Worshipping, Militaristic, Expansionist, Sovereign, Reciprocal, Contractual, Entrepreneurial, Markets in Everything.

The rest of mankind is Demonstrably Unfit.

Superiority is demonstrated by the evidence.

Our one weakness is Christian tolerance

Which is but a means of obscuring

Cowardice and Convenience.

We are raiders, Vikings, pirates, conquerors,

and the rest are unfit for our way of Law.

When we stopped dueling over insolence, beating the young for their insolence, and putting women in stocks for their insolence, we de-facto licensed insolence, ignorance, sophism, undermining, indiscipline, and our ability to capitalize behavioral, normative, and genetic commons.