Oct 31, 2019, 11:33 AM

—“There’s plenty wrong with GDP as a global measure of system performance. One of those problems is that no one has yet to come up with a better one.”—Duke Newcomb

Income != balance sheet. That’s the problem. (Really). GDP P/C @ PPP = Standard of living. Change in Balance Sheet = Gain or Loss (productivity); GDP = Debt Capacity = Military Capacity = Coercive Capacity and that’s all it means. The problem is false productivity, were in consumption of capital is obscured by velocity, in order to maintain keynesian employment as a (bad) means of restoring economic velocity (which is the error) – where under digital and fiat money, liquidity distribution directly to the people will make employment a measure only of demographic utility (which is what the left is afraid of) and the correction of which (as I recommend) will re-suppress immigration, and re-suppress underclass reproduction, and restore middle class reproduction.The only way to increase wealth in this model is reproduction of the middle class, employment of young and old, payment for labor necessary to create an aesthetic commons, one child policy for those who are dependent, and following the japanese in automation.