(FB 1542847972 Timestamp)

A metaphor is (exists as) that category of fiction called ‘analogy’, that serves as a method of suggestion, that like all analogies functions as a substitute for description when the audience lacks the direct experience (memories) to reconstruct the intended experience (meaning). We generally use the spectrum of analogies to transfer properties between cases. And therein lies the problem.

The question is whether one is engaging the transfer of truths or falsehoods, and whether those falsehoods produce externalities that are positive or negative, either directly or cumulatively.

The central problem arises because as suggestion increases vulnerability increases.

The economics of meaning (neural economy) are such that reinforcement of false paradigms decreases future cost of paradigmatic expansion.

Conversely, those same economics mean that reformation of or replacement of those paradigms is a huge cost. And must be (at least for volition to be rational) offset by some reward.

For the professional liar or snake oil salesman or marketer, or politician, or philosopher, or priest, this threatens not only his cognitive malinvestment, but his means of obtaining attention, status, opportunity – and often, income.