October 7th, 2018 11:20 AM


Via Eric Danelaw

The broader question is, how much agency do we have? Women and men demonstrably think very differently because of the difference between utility and truth, and between proportionality and reciprocity, and between dysgenia and eugenia. Why do we assume that this same cognitive bias is limited to gender rather than a balance between the genders, and that different groups don’t just demonstrate the male cognitive bias or the female cognitive bias?

Truth, Reciprocity, and Physical Violence that Ends when Ended, VERSUS Fraud, Proportionality, and Reputation Destruction that Never Ends until Destroyed. Violence and Threats versus Shaming, Ridicule, Gossip, Straw Manning, Rallying, and Reputation Destruction. Those are the Male versus female competitive strategies.

HERD <—————> PACK

Utility <—————> Truth

Proportionality <——> Reciprocity

Equality <————-> Meritocracy

Dysgenia <———–> Eugenia

r <——————–> K

F<——————–> M

There is nothing in mankind that is complicated other than the lies we tell ourselves and others in order to achieve our desired ends.