-“Even your opinions wrong.”- a hostile

I pretty much never err. It’s my job not to. I do make one mistake on a regular basis – I overestimate the common man, and in particular, I underestimate the degree to which a third of the male sex was born with female personality and cognitive traits. (“Men without chests”)

-“Even your follow up opinion is wrong”-

And you respond with a cognitively female expression of disapproval in the absence of testifiable argument rather than a male expression of truth or falsehood by use of a testifiable argument. … Like I said. I don’t err.

-“And you continue to miss the point”-

Again: female cognitive bias from female personality traits by avoiding questions of truth or falsehood. My point is, and will remain, that the sexes demonstrate marginal indifference in task processing other than preference but vast differences in intuition and accountability in social and political performance.

(It’s the science). So you have to ask yourself why you’re lying and denying,evading and ad hom, disapproval instead of argument. The reason is, as I stated because you’re demonstrating cognitively female traits – not education, information, cognitive, and testimonial discipline.

And you continue to miss the point: Truth permits reciprocal exchange. Truth evasion avoids reciprocity and produces a race to the bottom. There is a reason for western civilization’s historical hyper innovation and adaptation: “Truth Before Face Regardless of Cost.”

So in simple terms, you’re a social tax evader. Failing to pay the normative and behavioral tax of truth before face regardless of cost, that is necessary for the jury, for rule of law, for democracy,and for the high trust society that produces disproportionate economic velocity.