Apr 14, 2020, 9:33 AM

—“Just because most organized religions are corrupt money and power machines, doesn’t make the Christ any less the God of this world… Look at what the nation under God has become.”—Patrick Huntley

Scientifically speaking, of god’s laws, christ added a minor improvement to natural law – one that is counter-intuitive to primitive man – and that gave women and the underclasses a philosophy of self respect and social value despite being left behind by the rapid advancements of the ancient material world, just like marxism, socialism, feminism, and postmodernism tried to give social value to the women, underclasses, and immigrants in the modern material world.

God is god. Jesus is Jesus. His contribution is profound. But it is profound as a minor improvement on god’s laws that perhaps could not have been discovered until so many people in the underclasses were left behind by the advancements in the ancient world.

The modern world’s jews updated this EMOTIONAL (Spiritual) jewish social construction in the ancient world and it’s claim of prosecution by their aristocratic betters, from claims of political power and informational power, to claims of economic, political, and informational power.

This is contrary to the european tradition of reason, stoicism, Epicureanism, the play, and celebratory festivals that were costly and the asian tradition of buddhism which was cheap both of which achieve their ends without destroying the host aristocracy as did christianity, judaism, and islam.

Christianity was a cheap way of powerless people to obtain status and self image at the cost of destroying the host political order. Islam the same. Judaism the same. Religion destroys in exchange for psychological comfort.

The question was and is, whether we can produce a religion that doesn’t destroy in exchange. So far that is the roman: reason, stoicism, Epicureanism, the play, and celebratory festivals that are expensive.

The success of western civlization is due to our traditional social order of a universal militia, law, and their traditions. The underclass religions of abrahamism are a means by which those that would be slaves, serfs, servants, the poor, and mothers could seek mindfulness in an increasingly advanced world that was leaving them behind – and by which a cast of priests – also being left behind by modernity – could rule them for profit.

Man is not moral or good. He is amoral and practical. It is our institutions of suppression of the bad that limit him to the good.