Feb 1, 2020, 9:42 AM

Each is another ridiculous pseudoscience – it’s just christian biased pseudoscience vs jewish biased pseudoscience(marx, freud, cantor, boas, bohr, derrida, friedan, etc). Every culture has tried some version of pseudoscience or sophistry to persist it’s traditional model of the universe.

But, no pseudoscience pls. We know the laws of the universe. We have at least one problem left and I am pretty sure we will have to solve it by computational trial and error like protein folding. We may or may not ever know how many universes there are, and how they emerge, but within this universe we are going to know relatively shortly as much about the physical and biological as we do about the atomic and chemical. The only thing I put forward is that these same laws apply to man’s behavior, and that memory provides an accounting system that allows us to cooperate by trade of debts and credits in time.

If there are gods, they have written their laws in the universe for all of us to see. The rest of history is full of men who lied or told half truths about those laws. And there appears to be no means by which for any god to influence us, other than as stories in the minds of others.

This is where science leads. This is why some people need faith. Because they cannot bear the truth. And we must not deprive people of their means of sedation. On the other hand we may not permit them to influence the material world with their sedatives.