Mar 26, 2020, 12:57 PM

There is nothing brilliant to be learned from the virus other than the fact that the government and bureaucracy failed again, by regulating during a stable market such that they created fragility (as always) during a panic market – thereby eliminating the european advantage (OODA LOOP) of dynamic adaptation to catastrophes crises, shocks, and changes.

(see p on the european group strategy of markets in everything)

We learned that the FDA and CDC followed the Department of Education into a failure of their core mission – because all bureaucracies expand work to fill available time, and expand rent seeking and privilege to the point of fragility. We will likely fail again to learn the lesson that regulation without clauses for crisis variation is less effective than threat of punishment. (see p on adaptive government)

We learned that high corporate taxes, regulations, and unions drove production of strategic industries overseas so that they cannot be mobilized for non-market use in a crisis. (see p on full accounting by rule of law rather than free trade)

We learned that once mobilized the private sector can adapt more rapidly than the public sector because it is NOT hierarchical.

(see p on multiple economies rather than monolithic economy)

We learned that the democratic party will do anything for power, just as the republican party will do anything to deny the left power – and we learned as we did in the impeachment that the democratic elites are underclass, jewish or female and the republican elites are middle class european or male.

(see p on individual accountability of legislators)

We learned that almost no one (other than the president business leaders, financial leadership) grasps that if the USA falls into depression that the whole world will collapse like a stone, and that we are fulfilling the cyclical predication that it will result in world scale warfare as states seize opportunities in duress that they could not seize in a period of stability and wealth creation.

We learned that the press remains the enemy of the american people and that this crisis will possibly be their last gasp.

(see p on accountability of the press in public speech)

We learned that the Chinese as always practice face regardless of costs and we pay for it.

(see p on foreign accountability for public speech in matters of the commons)

We learned that globalization is over.

(see p on universal nationalism)

We learned that this disease will most likely be with us like the seasonal flu until there is a vaccine, but that unlike the seasonal flu, if we survive it, we are scarred by it.

We learned that we will be in some sort of crisis through August just in time for the hate-meter to break the scales in the fall election cycle.

And we learned that the Overton window is in a whirlpool that none of us can predict.

(See p constitution for a western renaissance)