May 3, 2020, 3:20 PM
(From OCT 2019) (updated)
The west never had a single bible, but a canon, and that canon was written in multiple frames although the spectrum of scientific, legal, philosophical, normative, literary, and theological.
Philosophy, theology, tradition, are just narratives that explain a group strategy in a grammar of wishes.
Law is the evidence of what actually occurs, not what is wished for.
While we traditionally had rule of law beyond which no leader may tread, we allowed liberalism (even classical liberalism) to violate that traditional law under the presumption that while the monarchy needed be constrained by law, we the people were somehow so special and virtuous we need not be.
Our British Ancestors, Our Founding Fathers, through generations of the English civil wars, sought to reduce that canon to constitution.
But they lacked the skill we developed in the 20th because under programming, the sciences, and the collapse of the philosophical program (yes).
They were successful despite those weaknesses as long as the heroic narrative of the revolution persisted, or what the founders said was dependent upon the moral teachings of the church.
The failure of the church to reform in the face of Darwin and the sciences, the replacement of the church with the academy, the capture of the academy by the immoral left, combined with Anti-whiteness, under guise of privilege, colonialism, and slavery (not unique to whites at all) provided the means of undermining that narrative, by taking advantage of our our christian virtue, our market tolerance, our false claim that man was oppressed rather than domesticated by the aristocracy and markets, and our false presumption that we could create an aristocracy of everyone if they were but given the chance.
We dragged them out of their failed cultures, failed religions, failed institutions, failed governments, and failed civilizations. We dragged them kicking and screaming out of superstition, ignorance, hard labor, poverty, starvation, disease, suffering, child mortality, early death, and the chaos of a hostile nature. And They hate us for it. They work daily to destroy us. They seek to bring their failures to us, not our successes to them. We gave them that chance. And they failed. They failed because are unfit, unwilling, or unable, and undeserving. And they are destroying the monument to mankind that we have made.
So we must complete the Greco-roman-germanic-anglo-American research program and produce that bible in the form of a constitution such that no narrative can undermine it, without causing our retaliation.
We need to create the white law – a rational, scientific, western competitor to Jewish law and Muslim sharia. A strict construction from our founding differences: sovereignty and reciprocity, truth and duty, judge and jury, heroism and excellence, family and commons, and the market for voluntary cooperation in all walks of life – that together produce the social political and economic order most rapidly open to adaptation and innovation.
We need a constitution and a law closed to interpretation open to innovation, but beyond which no man, private, public, or foreign may tread.
And we need to enforce it intolerantly, unforgivingly, and mercilessly, as our ancestors defended themselves by the same means.
Heroism and excellence, The universal militia, Sovereignty, Reciprocity, Truth, and Duty, Judge and Jury, and markets in all aspects of life: association, cooperation, production, reproduction, commons, polities, and war.
That is the secret to western civilization.
And it is our law beyond which none may tread.