(FB 1546806967 Timestamp)

—“Curt: what constitutes fight shooting vs target shooting?”—

Target shooting is a way of keeping the cost down and continuing the tradition of riflemen upon which the USA is founded (as are the marines).

But small arms today are absurdly effective, and the truth is that rifle rounds are the sort of ‘weapon that keeps on giving’ so to speak, in that they just keep going and going and going.

Pistol rounds are, honestly, extremely effective at .380 and over, with all that mattering is the hit location, and rate of immobilization. Current 9mm semi autos are ‘almost’ idiot-proof, and carry 15+ rounds, and 30 if necessary.

Pistols are easily concealed as are lots of extra magazines, and are wonderful indoors.

Learning to ‘fight’ with a pistol like our ancestors did with swords (particularly fencing) is what policemen and swat teams are trained to do. (Not that I”m advocating gun-fu, which while interesting is just amusement.)

See this example, starting on page 32.


ie: moving targets while you are moving, multiple targets, entry into spaces, shooting from wounded, shooting when down. shooting from cover vs concealment. reloading one handed.

Normal everyday cop training.

(PERSONAL: For me, I pretty much don’t do anything other than mozambique drills, double taps, while moving, and point-shooting. In fact, if I ever start teaching again I’m going to teach point shooting first, right after all the ‘don’t hurt yourself’ basics, and before anything else. My next handgun if I ever get the urge for another will be a ‘melted’ 9mm 1911 without sights.)