Gravity and Expansion determine the rate of change of that trade.

The idea that changes at different rates at different velocities consist of nothing other than experience, is nonsense, because all change in velocity produces uniform changes in everything at every level of reality.

If we send a mechanical device, or a decaying radioactive element to space and back they do in fact change at different (miniscule) rates. So it’s not psychological phenomenon.

I hate pseudoscientific nonsense.

AFAIK its just as likely that the rate of change is exaggerated by the expansion and contraction of space time, but that the rate of change is a constant (time), as it is that time is fully dependent upon the rate of change of the universe, and that it ceases if expansion ceases.

I mean, I would love it if someone would correct me if I err, but you know, I haven’t found anything in any discipline that is terribly complicated.

In fact, most of the problems of complexity were manufactured by the development of symbols. If we had done mathematics like they did in the time of newton then every idiot in the world would understand it.

To say time passes, is simply a statement of memory. To say that all changes in state occur in sequence and that such a sequence occurs independent of perception, regardless of whether space-time is expanding or contracting.

I perceive a sequence of changes in state. We can increase our velocity and slow or decrease our velocity and speed changes, but we cannot reverse it, nor can we speed or slow it to extremes.

Now, there is a vast difference between observing phenomenon and travelling phenomenon. Light is just a view into history. And that light-history may be created at different rates. that’s all.

I am not sure why this leads philosophers and scientists to disagree – or to fail to articulate such differences.

I suspect that it is the open question of whether time (change) exists (and universe exists) beyond the expansion of our universe. (or if we are even correct about our vision of a universe.)

Public Physics has become all too much like magic.