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The problem of male-female conflict is the same on both sides. Female and postmodern and feminist control of the academy has led to feminine preference for world order – one that they undrestand – infantilization of both male and female. Childhood is an invention that has been exploited by the enemy just as trust an invention that has been exploited by the enemy, just as free speech is an invention that has been exploited by the enemy. And the liberalism with which western man has treated women is an invention that has been exploited by the enemy. Until the age of maturity you are woman’s problem. At the age of maturity you become men’s problem.

Never again. Our instincts are functionally successful only with in the range we evolved them for. Outside of those ranges they are harmful.

Marriage is the smallest tribe. However it the absolute nuclear family is a middle and upper class capability. Below that the need for traditional intergenerational families is necessary to collect sufficient agency and skill to raise generations.

There is no possible aristocracy of everyone. The anglos got math, logic, language, law, economics, and science, right but mankind wrong. There is no possibility of an aristocracy of everyone. The location-independent absolute nuclear family is limited to those capable of producing sufficient agency and resources to supply a family without assistance from others.

This is almost exclusively western, and within the west, almost exclusively middle class and upward.