Jan 17, 2020, 9:01 AM

—“Trump is a cancer, but it’s totally operable cancer. Remove him under the Constitution and uphold the rule of law. Serve a purpose bigger than yourselves.”— Some Twitter Idiot

You’re wrong of course: a useful idiot for purveyors of the Alinsky method of personalizing political movements.

Trump is just a representative of half the population. Half the population that is getting very close to “cleansing” the country of the other half of the population.

Rule of Law = Rule of non-discretion, and rule of non-discretion limits us to voluntary reciprocity. You’re lying by pretending majoritarian dictates are rule of law. They aren’t. Our ancestors spent thousands of years developing rule-of-law rather than rule-by-discretion (man).

You and Yours didn’t seek exchanges under rule of law, under the american constitution as a document of rule of law by the natural law of reciprocity – you sought majoritarianism. Rule by discretion (authority). Whether that authority by one, some, or majority is irrelevant.