Nov 4, 2019, 12:11 PM

European Civilization Consists in: The Indo European language, Heroic, Militaristic, Expansionist, Paternalistic, Sky Worshipping, Metalworking, entrepreneurial warfare of conquest, using technology professional warriors, horse, and chariot, financed by families, and then profiting from conquest by tripartism: the domestication of human animals from slaves, to freemen, to ‘sovereigns’, under the traditional law of trespass (tort, property), where every man is sovereign, reciprocity the means of dispute resolution, restitution demanded in all but cowardice or adultery – the only capital crimes.

European Civilization consists in Heroism, Competition, Cunning, Maneuver Excellence,Beauty, Truth an Duty, Promise and Contract, Sovereignty, Reciprocity, Law of Tort, Jury, and the resulting competition in markets in all aspects of life; and the eugenic suppression of the underclasses by those markets, creating the continuous rapid evolution of european man as a result.

That is the reason for european success in the ancient world and in the modern: Truth Before Face, Regardless of cost.

Which is something only heroes can bear.

European heroism, truth, excellence, and competition, dragged man kicking and screaming out of superstition, ignorance, poverty, starvation, hard labor, disease, suffering, child mortality, early death, heat, cold, and the chaos of a nature all but hostile to human life.

Europeanism is Europeanism: The Cult of Sovereignty (Non-Submission) and responsibility.

Europeanism is Europeanism:”Every man equal at the top – so bring them there with truth.”

Abrahamism is Semitism: The Cult of Submission and Irresponsibility.

Semitism is Semitism, and Christianity is Semitic: “Every man equal at the bottom – so bring them there with lies.”

Christianity is a disease. It’s a religion of women, immigrants, and slaves – not heroes, that we have nearly recovered from, and christians are why we are vulnerable to their allies in judaism and islam.