Nothing other than trade sanctions, which would only cause those countries to deport the workers. One has no “rights” external to the territory we stand in. That is a phrase of modern mysticism. The USA postwar effort to encourage all states to care for their citizens in order to be treated as legitimate is or was a function of US military and Ideological dominance.
As the postwar consensus fails, and american hegemony declines, and the american mandate for fixed borders and human rights declines, and america can no longer project sufficient power to mandate fixed borders and human tights, neither fixed borders nor human rights will remain.
We have seen Russia conquer Ukraine. Mexico invade the USA through mass immigration. Israel extend its borders. China invade russia through mass immigration. China conquer the nearby sea and threaten Japan. And ISIS and Iran try to reestablish the caliphate.
Meanwhile the euro project is failing. Civil wars and and secessionist movements are spreading.
So if you cant keep your own country’s economic house in order (and india cant because of corruption – india is too big), and the USA cannot play world policeman, then you will be subject to whatever arbitrary rules exist wherever you are standing.