by Luke Weinhagen

What happens to the fertility rate of the producers when the cost of the parasites is reduced and the traitors are removed.

The big threat is internal. It is comprised of the parasites leaching the value from the producers and the traitors opening the gates from within.

Some might see the vectors of populations in the chart above as a catastrophe. Pause that alarm for a moment and look deeper. It may instead be a badly needed, healthy and natural purge.

If the data below is even close to accurate, rate of change depicted in the chart above may be reason to celebrate –

Fertility Rate for Political Orientation (whites)


Extremely liberal (2.5%) — 1.61

Liberal (12.7%) — 1.72

Slightly liberal (11.3%) — 1.58

Moderate (39.9%) — 2.14

Slightly conservative (15.6%) — 2.03

Conservative (14.3%) — 2.34

Extremely conservative (3.7%) — 2.62

Imagine what happens to the fertility rate of the producers when the cost of the parasites is reduced and the traitors are removed.

(CURT: Depends upon the moderates.About 1/3 is conservative. If given the choice the moderates – a bit more than a third maybe – we might get a good polity. It’s by dumping the left we get all the gains. And look at a future where the underclass AND some of the working class are unemployable….)