Oct 13, 2019, 12:00 PM

FB censored the post where an Arabic Speaker asked me to explain how a group with a lower average IQ could achieve european standards of living.

I explained that it is not an IQ problem but a population demographic problem. And in fact, with very rare exceptions, this is in general, the rule for all human groups. The difference between groups is almost entirely the product of the possibility of reproduction by the lower classes. If it’s possible the problem will be worse, if it’s harder it will be better. This is just the boring science of why climate and farming together put so much pressure on developing intelligence and Conscientiousness. It didn’t make people smarter, it lowered the number of people that could survive farming and winters. In other words, different groups are not better or worse, but the sizes of the classes in different groups create economic and political difficulties for some, and eliminate difficulties for others. This is why middle and upper classes the world over get along just fine, but the lower middle, working, and underclasses cause conflicts with each other.

Despite my attempt to provide a rebuttal to counter hate speech, someone reported the post, and facebook censored it. I agreed with the decision in order to prevent conflict.

This is why I am careful about who I allow in my friends list – it’s not the people that friend me that are the problem, it’s the people in YOUR friends list.

If you want the answer to the question in Arabic see our web site: propertarianism.com/blog “The Problem Isn’t Race It’s Demographics”.