October 30th, 2018 10:23 AM

(Diary: been trying to figure out why i feel ‘back on my game’ again. And I think it’s that the panic of ‘getting my work done’ is over, and all that’s left is the rest of the editing. I mean, arguments flow now, across the entire spectrum. So maybe I was wrong and that while it only took me six months to work through the grammars, it took the past six months to fully integrate them into my thoughts, and my system of thought. I think the second effect is that the supreme court battle was the last straw and we all see revolution coming in one way or another, and the overton window has shifted HARD. I am also a little less worried about my friends in ukraine. And I think together this has sort of ended my multi-year physical, mental, and emotional burden. I wish I was self aware enough to understand this stuff when going through it but I’m not. In retrospect it’s understandable.)