—“Any ‘new right’ must recognize ancient western liberal tradition of ‘noble individualism’ & liberal education, etc. to avoid throwing it out with the bathwater of ‘egalitarian individualism’, which diverted the liberal idea to modern hedonic socialist ends.”— @demontage2000

Yes but those are not terms that can be institutionally enforced. Use instead:

  1. Legal: Sovereignty and Reciprocity; Juridical Defense and Jury; Truth before face, Duty before self

  2. Political: Markets before authority.

  3. Aesthetic: Heroism, Excellence, Transcendence

That the foundation. There is still more.

The right loves the feeling of moral righteousness as much as the left loves outrage. But that is why conservative thinkers failed. We must like the founders, but better than they, create institutions and processes that provide shared incentives, not that require shared belief.

The left invented desirable denial, sophism and pseudoscience. The postwar right doubled down on moralizing, b/c they were as afraid of admitting western civ is eugenic as the left was of eugenics. It invalidated democracy as national virtue narrative, in addition to the church.

This inflection and the failure to continue eugenics will be seen in history like the failure of the greeks to bring about the industrial revolution. It is the basis for all problems of humanity in the post agrarian era. Vast numbers of people and cultures are detrimental to man.