(FB 1542126100 Timestamp)
As for dishonest, no, I am HONESTLY (Truthfully also) claiming GA like POMO is a pseudoscientific fraud for the purpose of restoring a secular cult of abrahamic equalitarianism by the same incremental techniques that were used in the ancient world to undermine the aristocracy, by the same process of selling to women in particular and the useful idiots that pursue the favor of those women, to bring about our conquest yet again by immigration and displacement. And no, there is no value in trying to recreate the levantine culture here in the west, It’s been failing for thousands of years. The chinese and the europeans had it right. BUILD WALLS.
WOrse, I am claiming that the only incentive to pursue a pseudoscientific fraud is to use cunning as a weapon of coercion against those lacking sufficient agency to comprehend the consequences of the actions thus inspired.
So I am honestly calling such people not just fools, but frauds, and in very real terms – criminals, in a crime against humanity.
Is that over the top enough? ;)