Curt Doolittle

I tend to view western aristocratic egalitarianism as demanding respect for property in exchange for the franchise of Liberty.

David Mondrus

“aristocratic egalitarianism” vs “pathological altruism”. The demand of respect for property in exchange for liberty is the difference.

Curt Doolittle

Let me think about that because it is insightful. Hmmm. Is that the origin? Yes?

Damn. Yes.

David Mondrus

The altruism demands nothing in return. It supplicates to the needy saying in essence “love us, we’ll give you whatever you want”. The ultimate female strategy.

Curt Doolittle

Yes. And now you’ve synthesized the female by free-riding upon the male. Nice.

David Mondrus

But that is in essence female. Free riding males is their survival strategy. After all, rape is better than death, esp if it’s couched in socially acceptable terms like “stealing the bride” (the “-stans” now), or dowry (selling the bride) India.