Nov 7, 2019, 9:53 AM

—“It’s a modality of life that can go either way but has apply universally. I think we currently have the worst of both worlds. No reciprocity.”—Tyrone Jackson @cashmoneyglock

You are confusing Reciprocity with Proportionality. We have more reciprocity in the US than anywhere on earth because we have common law.

We have insufficient consumer protection (warranty,liability) especially in truthful speech (fully informed), especially in Consumer Finance.

We might argue that the state, through contractual asymmetric enforcement (bundling, optimistic presentation without warranty and responsibility-liability, entrapments, penalty clauses etc ) permits and facilitates ir-recipprocity in commerce, but we cannot make the case that the state or economy produces irreciprocal conditions. Just the opposite.

I am not going to let the left ‘mal-appropriate’ Reciprocity the way they have inverted rule-of-law, liberalism, freedom, equality, into explicit lies.

Morality = Reciprocity within the Limits of Proportionality. Reciprocity increases, and Disproportionality Decreases, Cohesion.

The Entrepreneurial billionaires’ aren’t the problem. The multi-millionaries in the financial sector are – and every single one of them is a parasite upon our people.