You can only create a polity with liberty using violence, and
economic necessity dictates that you can only produce sufficient violence to repel competitors with sufficient wealth, and;
you can only produce sufficient wealth with commons.
And you can only produce commons if people cannot defect from payment for those commons in both service (fighting) and resources.
In other words:
You can’t produce a libertarian polity that can survive market competition for territory with other polities, which is why there have never existed such polities except on the frontier of a state powerful enough to prohibit competitors to the territory, yet insufficient wealth to settle, police, govern, and provide infrastructure for it.
Hence why the only examples of antyng approaching a libertarian fantasy are borderlands of empires.
We develop taxation and governments to preserve our interests. The question is not whether we need taxes (fees), and governments(production of commons), but how to prevent their misuse.
And in the prevention of misuse since we rarely know the right answer, and we are all cognitively biased, the only solution is markets in the production of commons.