Mar 23, 2020, 11:16 PM
—“Yes. Anglo-American free market conservatives have destroyed America and the UK”—Lord Keynes
Can you explain that to me because america was clearly destroyed by the postwar undermining of our civilization from within, financialization of the economy to defeat the soviets, export of industry to defeat the unions, attempt at expanding housing, to defeat the leftists.
We have falsified the entire postwar anti-darwinian leftist program of marxism, socialism, neo-marxism, postmodernism, feminism, and science denialism, and would have no civil conflict if not for immigration, nor resistance to automation. We could follow the japanese strategy of a homogenous polity gracefully automating our lack of need of labor. I don’t see anglos to blame here.
I see only one mistake: conservative decision in the 80’s to let leftist programs fail was fine, but our failure to anticipate the immigrant hordes and their voting for a party of failed pseudoscience, sophistry, and undermining. In the end evidence won,but didn’t matter: hordes.
Now there is only one question – whether we divorce, separate, and the conservatives return to our natural market eugenics and automation while we let the left fail, or we have a bloody civil war to defeat the failed left pseudoscience and sophism, despite the hordes.
The Free Market Ideology (libertarianism) is another Jewish, not anglo, movement: Boas, Freud pseudoscience, Marx economic pseudoscience, cantor-bohr-keynes pseudomath, Adorno-Fromm Neo-Marxism, Derrida-postmodernism, Rand-Rothbard Libertarian, Trotsky-strauss-kristol neocon
The Hayekian movement recommended empirical RULE OF LAW, and the prevention of the expansion of socialism arbitrary rule. The problem was the right lacked the science (evidence) to defeat the left false promise baiting into hazard. We have the science. The left was wrong. Period.
This is the greatest pseudo scientific movement in history with a strategic and tactical repetition of the means by which rome was undermined by theological false promise just as the 20th was undermined by pseudoscientific false promise. The right could only wait for evidence.
I know, because I was there, and this is how we discussed the problem of the age: Marxism had failed, the Great Society had failed, the oil crisis failure, and the failure in iran. We made a decision. Except for immigration we would have won. The left didn’t win by ideas.