(FB 1551572497 Timestamp)
—“@Curt Doolittle If I have an idea, a theory, yet don’t have the evidence yet–it still might be true. The Higgs Boson comes to mind. It was an idea, a theory, there were no facts yet to prove it, it fit in with the standard model, itself a theory, and solved some problems in quantum mechanics, but it wasn’t until the particle was actually discovered by the LHC that we could call it true. So was it a lie before then? You can’t always exactly know what’s true. Some questions are unsettled. So we make assumptions to try things out. It’s not exactly faith but it’s like it. It requires that we temporarily believe in it to test it, to question it, to try and figure it out. All part of reasoning. Maybe you didn’t mean what you said to this depth, what you wrote seems to make perfect sense on the surface, but through a little questioning, seeking to drill down, to get to the essence and the fundamentals of things, it seemed to me to be a little imprecise. This is not to simply be disputatious, to be contrary, not to be mean or anything, your statement was a fine, stimulating, sentiment, but to honestly question.â??”— Mark Wright
We do not have faith or temporarily believe in anything. We seek only to discover by testing that which is testable. And we limit ourselves to that limit.
such things are testable and falsifiable.
such things preserve the parsimony of naturalism,
such things are not counter to all of historical evidence, nor commensurate with the long history of ignorance error, fraud, and deceit
such things serve as no premise for consequent inference likewise for fraud and deceit,
such things are not dependent on verbal pretense or sophism,
such things are not claimed true only speculative,
such things have no malincentive to lie, or preserve a lie.
Conversely what i argued against was the opposite of all those tests.
It is not arrogance but intolerance for the continued use of lies against my people by those in conscious or unconscious league with the ancient enemy of not only my people but all of mankind.
No more lies.