Mar 23, 2020, 12:59 PM

You can have a natural interest in your children. You can have a demonstrated interest in yourself, and in your children. If you claim self ownership you are confusing OWNERSHIP with NATURAL INTEREST and DEMONSTRATED INTEREST.

You can have a natural interest in something. You can have a demonstrated interest in something, You can possess something, You can defend it yourself, or with other by normative means, or with a polity by institutional means. But to OWN a thing requires INSTITUTIONS that insure your control over it by the organized application of violenc.

Libertarian pilpul conflates demand for, with existence of, in order to avoid starting with the first cause of sovereignty and reciprocity by the necessity of defense. You cannot magically impose fantasy on others. You must CONSTRUCT the institution of property and property rights by reciprocal defense. There are no existential ‘rights’. Only demand for them. They are created by the organized application of violence to defend them.

Why would slaves not rely on the organized application of violence instead of idealisms out of ether and the threat of ostracization? Because they are powerless and poor.

Why would aristocracy state the truth: property and property rights are organized application of violence? Because they are powerful and not poor.



ignorance > opportunity > natural interest > demonstrated interest or not > possession (or not) > property (norm) or not > property rights (institutions) or not.

All libertarian thought is lying to avoid the natural law of sovereignty and reciprocity so that libertarians can escape responsibility and liability FOR OTHERS.

It’s all pilpul. It’s all using platonism (ideal terms, out of thin air) without accounting for causality.