Mar 8, 2020, 7:57 PM

  1. Entering women into the workforce, limiting reproduction.
  2. Consuming all their income with taxes, limiting reproduction.
  3. Placing the tax burden on the middle class,Limiting reproduction.
  4. Exacerbating home prices through long term loans, limiting reproduction.
  5. Exacerbating income demands with college educations that teach nothing other than indoctrination, limiting reproduction.
  6. Fostering easy high interests credit and subsequent debt, limiting reproduction.
  7. Changing from family first policy to individual first policy.
  8. While redistributing income, government services, and tax policy to the underclasses with low quality genes with low investment parenting,
  9. Causing economic, social, cultural, and institutional decline.
  10. Then immigrating vast numbers of the underclass that europe spent millenia eliminating through harsh winters, plagues, wars, prohibition on cousin marriage, manorialism restricting access to land, and aggressive hanging of malcontents.