(FB 1553179189 Timestamp)
by Curt Doolittle
As someone who has gone from middle class to 1%’er and retired in his 40’s, money was absolutely no use to me OTHER than signal value.
For people with limited ability, money reduces stress. For those of us with ability it does nothing. I have seen no evidence to date that anything over median + 20% produces increased happiness. All we do is purchase cars, homes, and vacations with greater signal value.
The primary value of money is (UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTH WARNING:) to separate yourself from people you don’t want to be around – because we have no right of voluntary disassociation.
This is, in my opinion, the primary problem of multiculturalism: it is not possible to separate EXCEPT by economic cost, which means we abandon the middle, lower middle, working, and laboring classes to association with undesirables.
In other words, we cannot judge people by their character and therefore admit them to schools, neighborhoods and businesses (or politics) but we simply put economic sorting in place which because of immigration destroys our middle and working classes. Involuntary Association Is Not A Market Action nor is it commensurable with the Natural Law of Reciprocity. Nor peaceful harmonious coexistence.