Nov 10, 2019, 4:47 PM

—“Recent research not only confirms the existence of substantial psychological variation around the globe but also highlights the peculiarity of many Western populations. We propose that part of this variation can be traced back to the action and diffusion of the Western Church, the branch of Christianity that evolved into the Roman Catholic Church. Specifically, we propose that the Western Church’s transformation of European kinship, by promoting small, nuclear households, weak family ties, and residential mobility, fostered greater individualism, less conformity, and more impersonal prosociality. By combining data on 24 psychological outcomes with historical measures of both Church exposure and kinship, we find support for these ideas in a comprehensive array of analyses across countries, among European regions, and among individuals from different cultural backgrounds.”—

Correct, which is what Emmanuel Todd has said for three decades and what HBD-Chick specializes in.

Now, the reason the church did this was purely evil: so that it could break up the large landholding families and gradually acquire the land, so that by the end of the high middle ages, half the land in europe, and half the capital was dead, and the surpluses were being used to build cathedrals etc (20% of gdp in particular).

So the way to look at it is, that he church failed as a political force, and t failed to build ‘corporate europe’ but in doing so in parallel with aristocratic Manorialism, they created a genetic meat grinder for familism, creating our high tolerance and high pro-sociality.

Now, the argument is that this is (a) an existing northern european disposition, (b) exacerbated by the church and (c) brought to fruition by manorialism, which (d) eventually reacted against church corruption, producing protestantism, and the conversion of christianity into a folk religion (non-institutional) and therefore ending the Byzantine conquest of roman empire, and subsequent conquest of europe.

So, now that we know we’re genetically unique and SUPERIOR, then how do we preserve those millennia of capital inheritance.