October 17th, 2018 11:01 AM


—“Accepting scientific authority without conducting the experiments and doing the research yourself is an expression of faith.”— Clay Caldwell

Likewise, accepting supernatural authority without direct, testifiable, experience of the people and events, and miracles(magic) is an act of faith.

Whereas due diligence in science is an effort to disprove a theory, not prove one. we cannot prove science. We can only find possibilities and seek to falsify them until we can’t. When we can’t falsify them (because of coherence, consistency, and correspondence, and explanatory power, and parsimony) then we have to admit to ourselves that it’s likely true.

So it’s not true that one has ‘faith in science’ but one simply does the hard work of falsifying our fantasies such that only that which we cannot make false remains – that’s the entire point of scientific research: to perform due diligence against your imagination, by producing measurements that eliminate the possibility of your imaginings.

The problem is that one can read either the research or other’s fictionalism or sensationalism of that research. And it takes great knowledge to understand such research, while only takes the mind of a child to understand mythology by intuition and imitation. So knowledge < wisdom < parable describe a means of graceful failure from those who possess knowledge and ability to those that possess neither.

We can train people’s intuition many ways, and it turns out that abrahamic religion, like marxism, postmodernism, and feminism, is just the worst way possible.