(FB 1542053782 Timestamp)
—“the Hermetic principle. Gender exists within everything. Male, female, hard, soft, light, dark. The similarities between his comparisons are characteristics of gender.”–Bradley Morgan
Um.. how would you state that scientifically: I can, in that the computational efficiency (calculation of successful specialization) of genders (two of them) defeated all other permutations and the additional calculative variation of additional genders seems to NOT provide enough additional value to compete with two genders. There is an argument that male and female cognitive structures in humans produce a spectrum from extremes of either end to a balance, and that this allows us to calculate the exploitation of a wider variety of opportunities than rigid specialization would. This is possibly the optimum method of evolutionary progress because we do not require the cost of a third or more gender, but we can still produce adaptive responses and express them anywhere between the extremes.