Oct 8, 2019, 1:26 PM

—“Somebody like Spengler would say that there is no way around the decline and eventual fall of the Faustian West, no matter what we do politically. What if like an individual human life, and indeed the universe itself, an expiration date is just destiny?”—

He’s demonstrably wrong. China and india are the examples,

The problem for most western intellectuals is that fertile crescent begins both the agrarian and bronze ages, and that we were behind them because we didn’t have that climate with those rivers, and so agrarian production had to be distributed over broader colder territories.

I can envision history now without semitic influences and the semitic dark ages of ignorance.

The problem is we let our civilizations partly merge when rome was conquered by byzantium (se europeans, anatolians and syrians and levantines) and so almost all out intellectuals are infected by the european semitic competition rather than studying europe, semitia, india, and china as different models.

The Chinese have always been right.

Homogeneity. gradual genetic colonization. Isolation. and eradication of any and all competition.

We failed because when we moved from land trade through the Bosporus, to the age of sail, we didn’t put a wall at gibraltar, the Bosporus, the caucuses, and between the caspian, the aral sea, and the himalayas.

We didn’t wall ourselves off like the chinese.

Civilizations and territories, and SPECIES: china, India, europa (to the urals), semitia, africa, austronesia, north and south america, and australia.