The law is the only neutral territory between factions. Just as science is the only neutral territory between factions. Because law and science are the same.

I go after the left because I have solved the problem of the left, and everyone agrees on it. The left lies to steal. And they lie to steal because they are unfit to compete in an advanced economy. Or because they gain social status by virtue signaling for finding a place in it. It’s not complicated. They lie to steal or defraud.

The left was easy – they put herd before self-confidence. (For obvious reasons of female seeking advantage by self-sacrifice to the herd.)

The right isn’t easy – they put self-confidence before the pack. (For obvious male reasons of seeking advantage using whatever abilities they have.)

I go after the NS because they are the impulsive ‘slow kids’ of the Europeans, that can’t imagine the difficulty of large complex organizations, and how large complex organizations must be run: by general rules we call legislation, regulation, and law.

I go after WN because they are the correct, experienced, but unsophisticated kids of the Europeans, that can’t imagine that the conservative tendency to distill ideas to the reductive leads to failure – and that a more sophisticated strategy is necessary to win.

I go after CN because they are willfully ignorant – and too comfortable to risk saving their civilization and are willing to ride the civilization to the bottom rather than save it.

I go after our elites because they have abandoned our people – they have given up on trying to unite the self-absorbed egos of the right factions – they consider it a hopeless task. They don’t care any longer about our people or their future.

I go after libertarians because they are the reasonably intelligent but self-absorbed naive boys that cannot imagine the minds of emotional people, and have no experience with large scale organizations, and therefore human nature.

I go after Christians because they are indifferent from the left, they just promise life after death for belief in falsehood instead of prosperity before death for belief in falsehood.

You don’t see pagans voting for democrats, teaching pseudoscience (creationism), sponsoring immigration, sponsoring tolerance, tolerating pedophiles, virtue signaling for belief (instead of actions), tolerating this nonsense.

You see Christians doing it all day long.

No respect for cowards hiding behind lies of fake virtue to excuse doing nothing but demanding better men solve their problems.

Thats why christanity is femiine.

“Men will do it”

Because in history the male aristocracy DID do it.
