—“Scientific racism, a thread: In March, a journal published a paper defending the “theory” that Boasian anthropology, Freudian psychology, multiculturalism, Marxism and left-wing political movements in general are best understood in terms of “Jewish group evolutionary strategy.” — Simon Whitten @Simon_Whitten

It’s true Simon. Sorry. You can trace Aristotelian thought, you can trace Jewish thought. You can trace every civilization’s group strategy. I work on the female and jewish conflict technique of False Promise, Baiting, Pilpul (sophism), Critique (Undermining), GSRRM (avoidance), Polyethicalism, Feminine Conflict. … And the adaptation of the female conflict strategy (Undermining, reputation destruction, gossiping) to abrahamic religion in the ancient world, and Freud, Marx, Boas, Cantor, Frankfurt and Derrida and your generation in the post-marxist world.

Forensics are rather easy whether symbolic, artistic, linguistic, argumentative, literary, metaphysical, technological, legal, even mathematical differences between civilizations, and jewish strategy has been consistent since at least the Abrahamic period if not before.

Specializing in unproductive (parasitic) income sources, especially those that privatize the commons, especially the moral, using the profits to seek rents, baiting into moral hazard, justification by Pilpul, undermining by Critique, Non argument by GSRRM, alliance with the … … state against the people (See Benjamin Ginsberg), inability to create commons of their own, dependence on higher trust moral polities. Match this with differences in rates of mental illness and sexual dimorphism (cognitive, sexual, behavioral, criminal),

I mean, you don’t know that you’re doing it right now. You think (as would all cognitively female humans) that you’re making an argument but you’re just engaging in reputation destruction rather than argument, and from a position of presumption bias and ignorance.

We had laws against scolds (what you’re doing), and under the duel you would be silenced by threat, and until mid 20th you would be silenced by defamation laws for your action. When, in retrospect, this is a group strategy of females, jews, muslims and christians: undermining.

So, perhaps you might do less to prove Macdonald (and me) right, by not demonstrating so obviously that the strategy of undermining has been the group strategy of females against dominant males, and the Jews against the great civilizations of the ancient and modern world.

My people committed plenty of crimes under colonialism but we still dragged humanity kicking and screaming out of the semitic mystical dark ages, and we dragged most out of the second jewish attempt (marxism, libertarianism, postmodernism, neoliberalism, neoconservatism).

What did your people accomplish as the most literate people in europe over 1800 years? Absolutely nothing except mysticism, tax collection, usury, prostitution, slaving, alcohol and drugs, conspiracy against the population, and being chased from one moral purge after another?

Your people have mastered and institutionalized the art of female parasitism by false promise, baiting into hazard, pilpul (sophism) and critique(undermining) without producing young in exchange for our tolerance. Wasn’t one dark age of ignorance suffering and destruction enough?

All debts are paid. How do you pay restitution for your crimes against not only our people, but european people, the 1B dead because of abrahamism, the lost peoples, empires, arts and literature of the ancient world, as you incite undermining at every opportunity, everywhere.

The gig is up.

We know.

Judgement day comes.