Mar 12, 2020, 5:56 PM

by Maria Al Masani Makienko

—“Most civilizations, cultures, states, tolerate polygamy. The problem is, women are freaking expensive. And unless you’re desperately poor and need women to share the farm labor, are short of men because of war, men can’t afford them, and educated women won’t tolerate it.)”—Eric Danelaw

I think you are right that before the sexual revolution + modern dating apps, women were expensive. Now they are cheap to [CD: some] men they perceive higher value (looks +game) and unavailable to the rest. Women sense executive traits like disagreeableness in a male executive that Pickup artists mimic. This is before anyone becomes a Thot. Thots go for outright aggressive men. Thots are a female tiger woods – a set of maladaptive behaviour in the PreTinder era only seen in sex workers and male professional athletes. With current technology x no prohibitions on sexual promiscuity there is no cost for the most virile disagreeable men maintaining big harems while contributing little to society, while men who would actually make a good father who are reasonably in shape but no 6 pack, loyal, faithful, great income, not a doormat but not a jerk like me … they get none. And I am not anti social and do not denigrate people without cause. At this point thots look at fitness x how anti social a male is, and the top 10% of that gets laid at the cost of a drink or a slice of pizza and a gym membership and the rest get nothing. And it has a real impact on policies.

In short, we are experiencing a historically unprecedented dysgenic distortion of the sexual marketplace whereby contraception, modern technologies like tinder, a hook up culture promoted by (((Hollywood))), radical feminism all lower women’s sexual marketplace value to a couple drinks+ gym membership at 20, a couple slices of Pizza + gym membership at 25. At at 30, she would be lucky for a slice of pizza. At 40 her value is 0.

I do not think women had such low cost in any society in any time in history because condoms, the pill and Tinder were not invented yet.

Finally Haidt brings a valid point about decay, that any dysgenic or degenerate individualist behaviours might not harm the commons in the first generation, a mild negative impact on some in the second, but have a brutal devastating impact on the commons in the third.

I think in images so translating it into text is difficult and wordy, but through P I hope to be able to be more articulate and concise in my wording to better express the image and pattern I see without wasting time.

So thank you for bearing with me as I learn the language and grammar. In my generation, the sexual marketplace is a distorted hellscape that only benefits Weinsteins and Epstein’s