Jan 31, 2020, 6:12 PM

by Bill Joslin

—“I think one of the aspects of mental existence we have no name for yet …”—CurtD

But we do have a name for it: its called disambiguation. And as far as I understand the fundamental process of the brain exists as a neuronal competition for caloric reward granted by disambiguation of sensory data which affords further acquisition of calories (to reduce it to a base level).

Disambiguation – as far as I’m concerned – is the term.

The issue with human suffering – or more aptly, human objectivity – pertains to the difficulty entailed in disambiguating jntentionality of our predictive faculty whereby past predictions (intentionally held to maintain POV) of this moment becomes superimposed upon sensory faculty – and thus results in an ambiguity (an ambiguation) which that reaps caloric rewards.

The tough nut being disambiguating the array of self generated models (predictions) which persist due to higher predicted rewards (preference) from models that survive pattern matching to updated inputs.

But its kind of simple – the former requires effort and is often accompanied by excitation or tension. the later provides relief because once the model matches the input, the caloric cost of the model comes to and end – no more effort required.

it takes effort to be incorrect. coming into correction is like coming to rest. truth is the reprieve that escapist desire.