Apr 16, 2020, 7:14 PM

( When I listen to other couples talk I wonder why anyone in america gets married. What a bunch of ignorant, spoiled, self-indulgent, twits leading meaningless hamster-wheel lives, of obesity, virtue signaling, and social dysfunction from a failure to compete enough to learn to compromise. We don’t need man caves. We gotta build barracks for men so we can get away from the nests of harpies, and the harpies don’t have to deal with mansplaining they can’t understand anyway. It’s complete madness. I need to go back to eastern europe – western civ has gone mad. I can sit with a ukrainian woman in a cafe all day long with drinks and food, holding hands, chatting with friends, frittering time away on our phones, and sharing hugs and giggles and enjoying life like real human beings. America is full of addicts terrified of missing out on the next consumption signal, living in the world’s largest most elaborately decorated prison cells of their own making. These people are fking nuts. Really. )