- The expansion of the technique invented by usury into a group strategy for the destruction of civilizations, and the reversal of human evolution, restoring man to condition of animal.
- Baiting in to Hazard, by use of False Promise, Argued by Sophism, Under cover of Moral Pretense, Justified by Critique, for the purpose of profiting from undermining truth, reason, delay of gratification, manners, ethics, morals, traditions, cooperation between classes, organization of the classes, creating conflict, destroying trust, generating demand for authority, that recursively issues another iteration of false promise, until all accumulated genetic, cultural, normative, artistic, economic, institutional and political has been consumed by expansion of the underclasses whose reproduction had been limited by productivity, law, property, market, natural aristocracy.
- The female group strategy of undermining organizations of males that are producing eugenic civilization (quality), by the direction of proceeds of production to the production of returns on commons, at the expense of female dysgenic reproduction (quantity), and her irresistible hyperconsumption.
List the false promises of the enemy?
It’s a long list.