Feb 11, 2020, 8:06 AM

—“Do you wish to implement a caste system in America? And, if so what would it be regarding: racial based or social status based?”—Amit Patel

Are parties castes? No. Are tribes castes? no. Are classes castes? Close but no – a class is alterable by demonstrated behavior, but a caste isn’t.

The reason for european success in the ancient and modern world is sovereignty, and sovereignty requires markets in every aspect of life, and markets produce continuous adaptation and evolution without political consensus and intervention.

I want to create markets in everything, where we may not seek to circumvent those markets in display word or deed without severe consequences.

In politics i want to recreate the market between the classes for the production of commons – using houses of the classes in the traditional British european model.

And a market for polities that produce those commons suitable to the needs of different people, in the traditional european model – particularly the hundreds of princedom’s in the german holy roman empire.

For some of us we will prefer the English, Prussian, Germanic, orderly, clean, aesthetic, homogenous, redistributive, civil society where most of our investments are in the commons.

For others they will prefer the ‘latin, catholic, leisurely, communal life of the family with state (feudal) responsibility for the commons.

For others the individual they prefer the cosmopolitan (jewish) urban, high stimulation, high consumption, high opportunity, low responsibility, low investment in the commons.

For others they will prefer the close membership and mutual insurance of the semitic hyper familial tribe, at the high cost of the many externalities, including demand for authoritarian religion and state.