Oct 29, 2019, 3:17 PM

(contemplating the biases of indians who participate in our debates.)

I think I understand the frustrations I have with indian’s who try to participate in these conversations, whether educated in india or the states. First of all, i do appreciate the rather odd optimism free of evidence endemic in indian culture. it’s what i admire. But, in india, or in an immigrant indian family, or in an indian immigrant community, those with first generation educations have the “doctor problem”, or the ’60’s kid problem’ meaning that when you are surrounded by generations people drastically different in educational knowledge and subsequent ability you overestimate your knowledge and ability, and when you come to America you are ‘educated’ in our academy that markets to that demographic, and sells sociological psychological nonsense in order to preserve income from that demographic – by not ‘correcting’ you and ‘insulting’ you by doing so. This is why our academy is ridiculous now. At least European Americans are educated by habituation in the long history, culture, and information flow of eastern civlization, and our optimism is in our ability to work hard and not be blamed if we fail for our heroic efforts. Or we are optimistic (badly) in our estimations of people from other cultures because we do not realize how Aristotelianism, rule of law, truthful speech, responsibility for the commons, But it’s not some naive optimism that ‘everything is gonna be alright’.

Regardless of what civilization or culture you are from, I’m not one of those professors paid to coddle you with comforting falsehoods, or pretense of respect, in exchange for preserving the income stream for the university, or my job. I know my job. My job is jurisprudence. I’m a prosecutor.