Mar 3, 2020, 9:01 PM
by Maria Al Masani Makienko
The reaction of the Muslim world to the same parasites was the commoners demanded silence from the intelligentsia, to quarantine the disease and the most backward form of Islam ever invented to protect the commoners from (((parasitism))) that they could ill afford.
I think why middle eastern jews have not been a threat to us, but Asheknazi jews have been a threat to the west is allowing interest rate banking, where we ban interest.
This created a group that the majority did not trust due to the parasitic nature of interest banking and often persecuted, so in turn they had strategies to undermine the host culture.
You do not see this behavior from Separdic nor Mizarhi Jews. Then you have hereditary PTSD and epegentic behavior in response to the persecution that’s a response to allowing for a long period of time only one out-group minority to provide interest rate banking.
Muslim commoners protected themselves from (((parasitism))) and (((undermining)))) through inflicting violence on intellectual class to refrain to develop as a society in the 80s rather than be exposed the the virus of (((undermining))) and keeping intellectual debate to the privacy of salons.
As mocked as they were, the Muslim poor were not wrong to do so because they defended their self interest. Blacks in the US in contrast have a 75% out of wedlock birthrate that they can afford with the American welfare state of white people’s taxes.
We do not have enough white people creating a great tax base so poor Arabs can afford to raise children in a resource scarce food scarce region.
Your openness that allows you to develop intellectual and invent iphones and tech companies opens you to (((undermining))).
Correct. And excellent.
Maria is exceptionally good at providing the Muslim world’s view with western logic and prose. She’s amazing.
Note: Staying on message: they could not solve the reciprocity and truth problems nor nationalized consumer interest – we just haven’t put them into practice yet.