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Abrahamism (noun)
The use of false promise, baiting into moral hazard, advanced by “Pilpul” consisting of the heaping of undue praise, sophism, supernaturalism, and pseudoscience, and defended by “Critique”, consisting of disapproval, moralizing, shaming, ridicule, rallying, gossiping, and reputation destruction – thereby advancing a falsehood on one hand, and attacking the person rather than argument on the other.
What I do, is teach how to identify and defeat these feminine arguments – arguments that because of our high trust genetics, traditions, institutions, and civilization, we are disproportionately vulnerable to.
Truth under threat of violence is the competitive strategy of males, and conformity under threat of reputation destruction the competitive strategy of females.
Know thine enemy.
Defeat him completely.
Leave his defeat as an indelible mark on history.
Sovereignty, and Reciprocity, Truth and Duty and Violence.
Every man a sheriff, a judge, a warrior, a sovereign.
-Curt Doolittle
The Propertarian Institute